Flower Catalogs

A selection of flower catalogs to get inspiration for your project

If you’re looking for inspiration to create your next flower catalog, or simply want to see how flower catalogs are made, you can find here a selection of real catalogs in pdf format or flipbook mode. Each document has a brief description in which you’ll find useful information such as the layouts used, product information displayed, types of photographs, and so on. If you need to create a ready-to-print or web-ready catalog or price list in no time, without errors, Pagination’s cloud service can help you.

Catalog with In-Context Pictures

Burpee’s 2018 flower catalog is a clean document without an index or chapter separators. Products are displayed following different layouts, but they have all the necessary information. At the beginning of the document, there’s a kind of table of contents with the flowers listed in alphabetical order. Products are presented using in-context pictures of different sizes.


Three Columns Flower Catalog

Genesis Seeds’ flower catalog is based on a three-column layout. Products are clearly displayed and include a detailed description. The document is clear and easy to understand, with a table of contents at the beginning but no index. On the last page of the catalog, readers will find all the necessary contact information to get in touch with Genesis Seeds.


A Colorful Catalog with Portrait Orientation

Syngenta Flowers’ catalog is a quite standard document with a portrait orientation. It includes both a table of contents and an index. There are chapter separators, but the structure of the product pages is consistent: the product name is given at the top of the page, followed by a table with the product’s information. The lower half of the page provides room for product variations.


Schematic Catalog

Danziger’s catalog is a document with several different clean layouts. All product information is grouped into a few tables at the end of the document, while the majority of the catalog is composed of cut-out images of the different flowers. This design choice makes the catalog a tidy one. The different chapters are separated by full-page, in-context pictures.


Tidy Flower Catalog

Anthurium’s 2016–2017 catalog was probably created automatically. It has a standard structure composed of four layouts that make the document varied and tidy. Products are presented using cut-out images and small tables. There are chapter separators, but there is no table of content or index. The last pages are filled with general tables.


Catalog with Alphabetical Index

Sakata’s catalog is composed of several different layouts. Products are displayed in a clear way and include all the necessary information. Chapter separators are used, and products are represented by both in-context and cut-out pictures. At the end of the catalog, readers will find an alphabetical index.


A Complex and Colorful Catalog

Takii’s catalog is a colorful document. It starts with a detailed table of contents. At first sight, the document may look a bit chaotic, because there are so many images and so much text presented without a standard structure, but after a few pages, this sensation disappears. The catalog is quite complex, but it still contains the most important information. Chapter separators make it easier to read.


Detailed Flower Catalog

This catalog by Syngenta is a structured document with different layouts. The catalog open with a table of contents and some tables about seeds. The core of the document is composed of detailed product pages with pictures and general information on the flowers. The last part of the document is dedicated to a guide to growing flowers.


Compact and Colorful Flower Catalog

Cerny Seed’s 2018–2019 catalog is a compact document without a table of contents or chapter separators. An index fills the last page. Products are represented by in-context pictures, and every page features more than one product. Images are numbered, to make it easier to find the right flower. At the end of the catalog, readers can find a history of the company.


Tabular Catalog

Hem Zaden’s catalog is a tabular document. Apart from the first pages, which are filled entirely with images, the document is composed of detailed tables. It is a well-structured and tidy document, but its results are a bit cold and spartan. At the beginning of the catalog, there’s a table of contents to ease navigation through the document.


Flower catalog automation?

Keeping Flower Catalogs up-to-date is a challenging task that can put pressure on even the best marketing teams.

You can use Pagination to automatically create beautiful documents in just a few seconds that are always ready for print or digital distribution.

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