Atlas Copco is a multinational industrial company based in Sweden. The name ”Copco” stands for Compagnie Pneumatique Commerciale. The company is a world leader in the development, manufacture, servicing, and leasing of air compressors, industrial tools, construction and assembly systems, and more. It operates in four business areas: compressor technology, vacuum technology, energy technology, and industrial technology in around 180 countries.
The company was founded in 1873 with the aim of manufacturing products for the Swedish railways. Over time, production moved on to more advanced products, including steam engines and boilers, and eventually air compressors. In 1917, the company changed its name to Atlas Diesel as it started manufacturing diesel engines. However, in 1948, Atlas Copco ceased diesel production, and the name ”Atlas Diesel” was no longer relevant. The company then changed its name to Atlas Copco in 1955.
The Atlas Copco Group is headquartered in Nacka, Sweden, and employed approximately 38,774 people worldwide at the end of 2019. The company has a long history of innovation and technological advancement, and it continues to lead the industry in the development of new and innovative products and services.
What was the publishing process before contacting Pagination?
Before contacting Pagination, Atlas Copco created their product catalogs manually using InDesign. This was a time-consuming process that required a lot of patience, and revisions had to be made manually. The company wanted to automate its catalog production processes to save time and increase efficiency.
How did Pagination help Atlas Copco?
The collaboration started with the automation of the ABAC catalog. ABAC is an Italian company that is part of the Atlas Copco Group and supplies piston and screw compressors, dryers, and filters.
Atlas Copco contacted Pagination to automate their product catalogs in multiple languages: English, French, Italian, and Spanish. They sell certain products only in certain markets, each with its own language.
Pagination responded positively to the request, providing a solution to release several catalogs simultaneously in a single process, each customized by language and product assortment. Pagination achieved this goal by enabling Atals Copco to upload a single data file that contained all the products in the catalog.
Within the data file, the products to be paginated are selected manually via a selection field. An ”x” indicates that the product should be listed in the catalog without a price, while a price entry results in two versions, one with the price and one without.
To prevent the process from being interrupted, Pagination ensured that each document is laid out independently, which allows them to stop catalog creation processes with errors, such as duplicate codes or missing fields.
Pagination also designed a noteworthy data file structure for Atlas Copco. It included a sheet containing product information, a sheet with translations of categories in all languages, and a sheet containing translations of table headers.
Furthermore, Atlas Copco can upload several static files for each language, including the cover, back cover, and introductory page for each product family.
This made it easy for Atlas Copco to update and customize its catalogs in multiple languages quickly and efficiently.