How Walmart automated the creation of its Catalog Standard Style Guides with Pagination Software

walmart Data:5 Aprile 2024Autore: [email protected] Tag: ,

Walmart contacted us because they were looking for a catalog software to speed up the creation of their Catalog Standard Style Guides. We are talking about hundreds of documents. They are guides that explain how to catalog products in e-commerce.

What was the publishing process before contacting Pagination?

Before using Pagination, there was a Graphic designer who copied data from an Excel sheet (exported from their management software) and pasted it on InDesign templates.

How did Pagination help Walmart?

The work that was done was actually very simple. Walmart sent us the InDesign templates they were using to create the style guides and the data file containing all the information to be inserted automatically. One of our Project Managers mapped the InDesign file with the necessary fields and created the catalog automation. The documents created are almost perfect. I say almost because the graphic designer decided to manually insert some information in the files that they cannot export to the data file. Once the project was ready it was put in the Cloud and Walmart can now create as many guides as it wants by simply uploading the updated files to the Pagination Cloud platform. A big improvement for Walmart!

The Customer

Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets (also called supercenters), discount department stores, and grocery stores from the United States, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. Walmart started with a single discount store and the simple idea of selling more for less. Now it is the largest retailer in the world. Each week, approximately 220 million customers and members visit approximately 10,566 stores and clubs under 48 banners in 24 countries and eCommerce websites. Walmart operates under the name Walmart in the United States and Canada, as Walmart de México y Centroamérica in Mexico and Central America, and as Flipkart Wholesale in India. Walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue, with US$548.743 billion, according to the Fortune Global 500 list in 2020. Walmart employs over 2.3 million associates worldwide.

Automatizza il tuo documento!

Utilizza un nostro template InDesign gratuito o carica il tuo layout. Impaginare i documenti non è mai stato così facile.