Furniture catalogs

A selection of furniture catalogs to get inspiration for your project

If you are looking for the inspiration to create your furniture catalog, or you just want to see how furniture catalogs are made, you can find here a collection of real catalogs in pdf format or flipbook mode. Each document has a brief description in which you’ll find useful information such as the layouts used, product information displayed, types of photographs, and so on. If you have to create a ready-to-print or web-ready catalog or price list in no time, without errors, Pagination’s cloud service can help you.

Classic Catalog with a Portrait Orientation

The Rocky Mountain catalog is a classic document with a portrait orientation. It has no index or chapter separators. The document is composed of different layouts, and each page features products. It’s quite hard to find any blank space. Every product listing has all the necessary information, like its SKU and price. The document seems a bit chaotic, but at the end of the day, it’s quite easy to understand.


Linear Furniture Catalog

The 2015 catalog by Austria Center Vienna is a small and linear document that uses just one layout. This is a classic document that could be automated. Every product has its own picture and technical information. The table of contents is not really necessary, but there’s one at the beginning and some chapter separators. Overall, the document is well structured and has a minimalist design.


Clean and Minimal Furniture Catalog

The 2017 catalog by Ethnicraft is a clean document with a table of contents and chapter separators. Most often, products are presented by mixing full page, in-context pictures with smaller cut-out images. The layout of the document is quite minimal, in fact, there is no product information given, apart from SKU codes and dimensions. The last pages are dedicated to useful information about taking care of the furniture.


Catalog with Extra Information

The Wilkhahn English catalog is composed by different layouts, but it doesn’t have a complex structure. Every product is completed of a lot of extra information, like different colors, materials, awards and surfaces. Plus, products have also an exhaustive description. There are no chapters separators, but there’s a table of contents at the beginning of the catalog.


Multilanguage Furniture Catalog

The Fortrade catalog is a handmade document with different layouts. Products are most often displayed with in-context pictures, but sometimes there are also cut-out pictures. If there are peculiar characteristics, they’re represented by icons. There is a table of contents at the beginning of the document and a legend at the end. These are written in three languages: English, German, and Slovenian.


Catalog with Cut-Out Pictures

Peressini Casa’s catalog is mostly composed of cut-out pictures. After a quick introduction about the company and its products, the real catalog begins. Most often, products are presented across two pages: the first has a big picture of the product, while the second presents the different available versions. On the right side of the catalog, readers can find the chapter name, and separators divide the different chapters.


Minimal and Well-Structured Furniture Catalog

This 2017 catalog by Connubia is a simple document with a linear structure and a landscape orientation. Only the strictly necessary product information is provided. Products are presented both with in-context and cut-out pictures. There is a table of contents at the beginning of the document and chapter separators are used. Overall, the document is pleasant to read and well structured.


Classic Furniture Catalog

This catalog by World Furniture is a document with a landscape orientation. At the beginning of the catalog, readers will find a detailed table of contents. At the side of most every page, you will find product information, such as products’ names and short descriptions. The catalog is composed of different layouts, but it has a quite standard structure that makes it easy to read.


Multilanguage Modern Catalog

The Dedon 2019 catalog is divided into three parts: the first section introduces all the product collections, the second presents the products in each category, and the third divides the products by collection. The catalog is well structured and easy to read. Products are well presented by in-context and cut-out pictures, and they are accompanied by all the necessary information.


Catalog with Icons

The 2017 Muji catalog is composed of different layouts and is probably at least partially handmade. There is a schematic table of contents at the beginning and some chapter separators are used. The catalog is a bit chaotic because it has a lot of pictures and text on every page. Products are mostly presented using small cut-out pictures. Special features are indicated by icons.


Furniture catalog automation?

Keeping Furniture Catalogs up-to-date is a challenging task that can put pressure on even the best marketing teams.

You can use Pagination to automatically create beautiful documents in just a few seconds that are always ready for print or digital distribution.

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